Cross-posting using Moa

If you are like me and are present on multiple social media sites, you might deal with the issue of posting your content to all of them automatically. In this article, I would like to introduce you to the cross-posting tool of my choice: Moa.

I am not that great when it comes to social sites, but I do post on them regularly (LinkedIn being the most frequent one). The other ones I use are Mastodon and Twitter. I prefer Mastodon over Twitter, as the concept of dedicated communities allows me to connect with like-minded people much easier.

One of the problems I was dealing with was cross-posting. There are people who I am only connected with through Mastodon, and there are also people who are just on Twitter. With my goal of bringing application security to most people, I want to naturally use both of them. In the past, I was just manually copying the same content between them, which was quite a drag. That was until I discovered Moa.

If you know me well, you are aware of the fact that I enjoy automating almost everything. Moa allows you to automate the distribution of your content across multiple social media platforms. It has quite a simple interface, only requiring users to insert their Mastodon ID when authenticating the app.

After linking your Mastodon ID, you will then be presented with the opportunity to link your Twitter account as well. The process is basically the same. Once everything is linked, you should be able to see this configuration window, where you can select the desired behavior. Toots are the short blog posts written on Mastodon.

Moa – configuration window

If you have read so far, you might want to follow me here on Hashnode. Feel free to connect with me over at LinkedIn or Mastodon.