Reading is one of the activities that helps me relax. Especially after a long working day, being able to just sit down with a book helps me regain some of my strength and sanity. In this article, I would like to share with you three books that I have picked for this summer.
Cyberjutsu: Cybersecurity for the Modern Ninja
It is widely known that I love Japanese culture. When I first saw this book, I thought that it might be a good fit, combining two worlds I enjoy: cybersecurity and Japan. After spending a couple of days reading a book, I do admit it was good but rather generic one. I probably made the mistake of having much higher expectations, but if I were a common muggle who just wanted to learn more about cybersecurity, I would rate this book much higher. So if you are looking for a good introductory book that will entertain you, I can highly recommend this one!

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams
It is not a secret that I was pretty far from having what we call healthy sleep. In order to keep up with all the activities, I often sacrificed sleep, staying up until 1 to 2 AM and passing out of exhaustion after that. In the past, I used to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks (especially energy drinks), but after an unfortunate event in the past, I switched to matcha and have felt much better ever since. For the dummies such as myself, there is this great book by Matthew Walker explaining why having a healthy sleep is important as well as providing snazzy graphics and graphs showing how caffeine addiction looks.
Ever since reading this book, I have turned my life around, and nowadays I am usually in bed by midnight to get my well-deserved 8 hours of sleep. If you want to learn more about sleep from a scientific perspective, this book might be the right fit for you!

So good they can’t ignore you: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love
I left the best for the end. “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” is probably one of the best books I have read in the past couple of years. People in my generation often go on the crusade (thanks to Steve Jobs) to find what they truly enjoy, but end up going in circles and giving up every time they encounter an issue. One of the great takeaways from this book is that the person should work hard on improving his or her skills and turning himself or herself into a valuable asset by generating so-called “career capital” that can later be exchanged for various advantages. But in order to get there, one should really follow through and work on the hard skills. Honestly, I would suggest this book to anyone in their 20s, and I am happy that a friend of mine suggested I read it.

So this have been my three summer books. What interesting books have you read in the past couple months? Feel free to share!
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